Act of love
Act of Love is an inventory of the practice of and standpoints on female circumcision amongst African migrants in Europe. This film has a duration of 45 minutes.
Margaret Mead Film Festival
As engaging as many of the works are in a typical Mead Film Festival, not all offerings are suited to all viewers. Some of this year’s selections contained imagery that is disturbing and even shocking. Not gratuitously, but because their topics make such treatment necessary.
Act of love
One such film is “Act of love”, directed by Karin Junger, whose compassionate study of African Female circumcision combines interviews with small amounts of graphic footage
Supported by
- HUMAN Television
- Directed by: Karin Junger
- Production company: HUMAN Television
- Line producer: Uta Schützendorf
- Cinematography: Brigit Hillenius
- Sound: Christine van Rhoon
- Editor: Leo de Boer
Margaret Mead Film Festival
Gouden Kalf 1992