Amadeu, Amadeu!
An Angolan contract worker who works in a small town in the former GDR is killed on a Friday evening in 1990 after a manhunt by a group of young Germans. Only when the victim’s girlfriend manages to flee to West Berlin a few months later does the atrocity become public. And not before does the judicial pre-trial investigation really get underway. AMADEU, AMADEU! is a reconstruction of that Friday evening, but also of what preceded the confrontation. With testimonials from relatives, two perpetrators, a police officer present, an involved café owner. Most of the perpetrators have now been convicted, but are still walking free.
Supported by
- HUMAN Television
- Directed by: Karin Junger
- Production company: HUMAN Television
- Cinematography: Peter Brugman, Albert van der Wildt & Frank Moll
- Sound: Tom d’Angremond, Ludo Keeris & Sam Neijsen
- Editor: Danniel Danniel
- Interpreter: Uta Schützendorf
IDFA, International Film Festival Rotterdam
Adolf Grimme Prize 1995